Earned Sick Time Act
On-Demand Workshop
In this on-demand one-hour workshop presentation, we cover the Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA) that is scheduled to go into effect on February 21, 2025, the differences between the ESTA and the Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act, their overlap, any guidance we’ve seen from the state, and of course what you should be doing about it all. We also offer a sample ESTA-Compliant Policy and flowchart showing how it fits in with similar programs.
Lesson series
Time to Study Up
on New Title IX Regulations
Vdeo training for employees and Title IX Coordinators at K-12 and Post Secondary Schools as well as downloadable documents you can use to follow the new regulations.
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: Toolkit and Video Training
Documents and training you need to understand the new rules.
New Fair Labor Standards Act Rules: On-Demand Training and Toolkit
Download our toolkit and watch video to stay in compliance with the new FLSA regulation.