Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: Toolkit Only

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Course overview
Documents to help your organization learn about the PWFA.
  • Toolkit includes 7 documents

Get the same Toolkit Documents
AND 1 hour video training

What's included?

  • PWFA Reference Guide
  • Sample PWFA Accommodation For Pregnancy Policy
  • PWFA Medical Verification Form
  • Listing of Examples of Employee Requests, and guidance on how to analyze the request under the PWFA
  • Undue hardship analysis tool
  • Flow chart, demonstrating how to analyze an employee’s PWFA accommodation request
  • PWFA Leadership Training Slide Deck

Get the Toolkit

We provide employers with a toolkit that includes: a reference guide; sample policy; sample medical forms; and tools for employers to use to navigate the interactive process, evaluate whether a potential accommodation presents an undue hardship, and analyze requests in light of the varying requirements under the ADA, PWFA, FMLA, and PUMP!