Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: Toolkit Only
Course overview
Documents to help your organization learn about the PWFA.
Toolkit includes 7 documents
Get the same Toolkit Documents
AND 1 hour video training
What's included?
PWFA Reference Guide
Sample PWFA Accommodation For Pregnancy Policy
PWFA Medical Verification Form
Listing of Examples of Employee Requests, and guidance on how to analyze the request under the PWFA
Undue hardship analysis tool
Flow chart, demonstrating how to analyze an employee’s PWFA accommodation request
PWFA Leadership Training Slide Deck
Get the Toolkit
We provide employers with a toolkit that includes: a reference guide; sample policy; sample medical forms; and tools for employers to use to navigate the interactive process, evaluate whether a potential accommodation presents an undue hardship, and analyze requests in light of the varying requirements under the ADA, PWFA, FMLA, and PUMP!