K-12 Title IX Policy, Resources
and Awareness Training

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Course overview
Includes Awareness Training for All Employees plus a model policy and resource materials.

The All Employee video is available to watch in the browser and download. 

What's included?

  • Awareness Training video for all employees
  • K-12 Title IX Policy (required by 2024 regulations)
  • Notice of Non-Discrimination (required by 2024 regulations)
  • Template Response Emails to Reports of Sex Discrimination
  • Notice of Complaint to Complainant/Respondent
  • Notice of Dismissal to Complainant/Respondent
  • Notice of Emergency Removal and Right to Appeal
  • K-12 Title IX Flowchart 
  • Title IX Coordinator Report and Response Tracking Document
  • Title IX Complaint Tracking Form 
  • Confidential Employee Notice Form